Stimulating Economies
At Hadley, we prioritise the creation of new jobs, offering apprenticeships and training opportunities and supporting local businesses.
We have a clear socio-economic vision for our developments, which deliver on three principles: today, tomorrow and forever.
Our socio-economic strategy focuses on delivering jobs and apprenticeship opportunities for under-represented groups through development, particularly for those who face barriers to entering or progressing within the labour market.
Hadley’s bespoke strategies for each site’s regeneration focus on the creation of opportunity across the different phases of development: immediate opportunities (based on the meanwhile uses proposed on the site ahead of construction and the early outreach to local communities and businesses), medium-term opportunities (which will centre on design, construction and delivery phases), and long-term opportunities (including the creation of sustainable and integrated neighbourhoods with job opportunities and purpose-driven ground floor uses).

- Strive to create meaningful employment opportunities for local people, and provide support for local businesses through research and connecting with local authorities and businesses
- Create new jobs through our meanwhile uses, supporting the individuals and businesses that we partner with through financial support and affordable hiring rates
- Continue to engage extensively with local schools and colleges, providing training and development opportunities to students and building on our relationships with these educational bodies
- Provide affordable workspace within our developments, that enables local businesses to grow and flourish
- Work with schools and community organisations to provide career guidance and mentorship opportunities for young people
- Continue to support organisations such as Digital Futures, Careers Enterprises and Careers and Enterprise with schools through charitable donations
- Advocate for the London Living Wage through our in-house LLW champion
For more detail see our recent ESG report.