Streatham Vale,

In 2019, Hadley Property Group and Clarion Housing Group announced the second acquisition of their joint venture, formed to deliver transformative mixed-use developments in a number of urban locations.

We are seeking to redevelop the land at 100 Woodgate Drive, Streatham Vale, currently a Homebase store and car park which is due to close in 2023.

We are bringing forward proposals for an innovative development that revitalises Streatham Vale and offers substantial benefits to the existing and future communities. Our proposals include 258 high quality new homes for Lambeth, of which 35% will be affordable housing.

We want to create a safe, welcoming environment that offers new amenities, supports health and wellbeing and active lifestyles, and offers opportunities to local people. Our proposals are for a sustainable, considerate development with new green spaces that enhance the local environment, biodiversity and ecology.

The site, located at 100 Woodgate Drive in Streatham Vale, is currently the Streatham Homebase store and its car park. Located just across the road from Streatham Common station, it is only a short walk from Streatham Common.

We're currently formulating our initial proposals which are designed to bring significant benefits to the high street and the local community.

Delivering high quality outdoor spaces is a key priority at our developments and we are seeking to design green, open areas for people to enjoy.

We're also exploring the possibility of opening up the front of site and creating new outdoor communal spaces with green landscaping for all to enjoy.

Additionally, we place great importance on ensuring our developments are safe and inviting for all. We will be installing plenty of lighting and carefully considering our designs to ensure all outside spaces are well lit, relaxing and welcoming.

The London Plan has now set out a target for 80% of all journeys to be by foot, cycle or public transport by 2041, and new developments are required to do their part in making this happen.

We will be introducing a number of sustainable transport initiatives, such as a Shared Mobility Hub, Brompton Bike Hire Dock and an innovative Cycle Hub.

To ensure that we are responding to the needs of the surrounding areas and giving the local community the opportunity to have their say on what should be included, we hosted two rounds of public consultation regarding the proposals; setting our overall aspirations for the site and gathering feedback on what neighbouring residents and the wider community would like to see included.

The scheme development took place through the pandemic and consultation was adapted to ensure as many people as possible were able to participate. This included creating a virtual exhibition space, which provided interactive before and after pictures of our proposals, videos that took you on a virtual walk through the development and online Q&A sessions to share feedback with the project team.

The development will provide new access routes and communal spaces for residents to enjoy.

A planning application was submitted to London Borough of Lambeth in January 2022, and engagement remains ongoing with local stakeholders and the wider community on further improvements to the proposals.

View our earlier consultation material via our online exhibition space or visit our website.