Hadley Regeneration Director Asked to Join N.L.A. Awards Panel
As well as appearing on two regeneration and placemaking panels at this year's MIPIM conference in Cannes, Steve has also been asked to join the team of expert assessors who are responsible for assessing and judging the Masterplans and Area Strategies at 2017's New London Awards.
The NLA’s annual industry awards recognise the very best new and proposed projects across all sectors of London’s built environment. Now in their seventh year, the Awards seek projects of the highest design quality which make a positive contribution to their surroundings and life in the capital. Shortlisted and winning projects are announced at the NLA Annual Lunch at the Guildhall, showcased in a publication and exhibition, and form a core part of the NLA’s year round programme celebrating the very best architecture, development and planning across the capital.
The winning projects are announced at the NLA Annual Lunch in July.