Cycle Sisters

Muslim Women's Cycling Group

Breaking down barriers to cycling for Muslim women

Cycle Sisters is an award-winning organisation that sets out to break down barriers to cycling for Muslim women.

Proportionally, the number of people cycling in the UK is low, with men representing a large portion of these statistics. In 2021, men made more than triple the amount of bike rides than women. Women from ethnic minority groups are particularly underrepresented within these groups, making the work of Cycle Sisters vital in fostering community and establishing access to cycling.

Through the creation of supportive and inclusive group cycles, Cycle Sisters encourages Muslim women to cycle with confidence. In support of their mission, Hadley sponsored a Cycle Sisters' ride in Streatham. We coincided the event with our Streatham Brompton Bike giveaway, which saw new members join and test out their Brompton alongside other community members.